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LRI Philosophy

We Are the Pioneers of Longevity and Regenerative Treatments

The London Regenerative Institute (LRI) merges cutting-edge and contemporary medicine with personalised treatment protocols to turn back the clock on ageing.

Founded by pioneering plastic surgeons Tunc Tiryaki and Steve Cohen, who have dedicated significant portions of their careers to regenerative research, the London Regenerative Institute innovates and leads the way in the latest longevity advancements.

LRI stands as the flagship brand, sharing its exclusive expertise and treatment modalities

LRI stands as the flagship brand, sharing its exclusive expertise and treatment modalities with accredited satellite centres in world-renowned clinics and the Corinthia Hotels Group.

Stairway to Eternal Youth

In 2006, Dr Cohen and Dr Tiryaki reached a significant milestone by exploring the potential of regenerative therapies using fat-derived stem cells. Their journey in longevity research led them to collaborate with Cytori Therapeutics, Inc. in San Diego.